Published on April 28, 2020 by Clifford Perlis
- Consider taking photos of the areas of interest ahead of time. You can email them to us at Try to send the photos at least one hour before your scheduled visit so we have time to add them to your medical record. Often, photos will be of higher quality than those from the video camera. For tips on taking the best photos, please click here.
- Before your visit, please gather any prescription or non-prescription medications you’ve used to treat your condition. This will help your provider understand what you’ve tried before.
- Set up for the visit in a well-lit room with minimal noise.
- Practice logging into the app (or whatever you’ve arranged for the visit) at least 3 0 minutes ahead of time. Make sure you’re able to operate the camera and microphone. If you have any problems, please call our office so we can help you through.
- Consider bringing someone with you to the telehealth visit. It sometimes helps to have another set of ears to hear the instructions.